Thursday, February 22, 2007


What a blessing I just have to share it with everyone!!!! Dillon was tracking today! The vi son therapist was sure that he was tracking a picture of a black and white dog today. This is the first time that we have been sure he was tracking anything let alone something that wasn't a light. As you can imagine - I am floating way up above cloud nine right now! I have been seeing Dillon try to lift his head when I am carrying him more this last week and wasn't sure if he could be seeing more or not. I have also seen more times where he was actually very alert and then sleeping - like a normal baby - whereas before he was normally just in this "in between" state where I couldn't always tell if he was awake or asleep. We don't know what all this could mean as far as how much useful vi son Dillon will have - but it is a HUGE improvement!!! We think we have seen little tracks before with a light but he wouldn't ever do it more than once for us to be sure, but this time Dillon was tracking for most of the hour session!

I tried to get two pictures of Dillon but my camera card isn't working so I have to wait for my IT husby to come home and help me get them on.


Anne said...


That last line cracked me up: "so I have to wait for my IT husby to come home..." At first glance it looks like you were calling your husband IT;o)

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! Kudos to Dillon on tracking!! I was excited to read about his session this morning!

And congrats to you on picking out a name for your next, little boy I'm sure the time will fly and before you know it, he will be here!

Anonymous said...

God is answering our prayers little by little. Dillon truly a blessing and a reminder to the grandparents of when you were little. Give Dillon a kiss from daddy and I Also, great praises go out to you for taking the time to work with him, when you could have given up. Keep up the good work both you and s

Love you Mommy

Kristi said...

To God be the glory!! I know that thrilled your heart. It thrilled mine too just reading about it.


Anonymous said...

How exciting! Hopefully he will be able to track little Jaydonn soon! :) How nice that their names will "match" so to speak! :)

Anonymous said...

WOW you guys!! What an awesome blessing!! This came just a couple of days after I had traced Dillon's body in a photo with my finger as I prayed for every aspect of his healing...touching his eyes and praying for sight, touching his ears and praying for hearing, etc....Praise the Lord!!! Thank you for sharing this with us!! Praying still...