Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A Prayer Warrior / Home Business

Today I was pretty down again - the element of the unknown. But then this afternoon I recieved a call from a lady in my church. She told me how this man in our church has been praying for Dillon. What makes this so special is that this man has been battling cancer since before I even came to the area. He has had stem cell replacement, shingles, mouth sores, etc. Just this last week he nearly died. He has at least for 4 different infections in his lungs and he couldn't be awaken from being put under when they were running tests on his lungs. His story is so much longer than this, but I can sum it up by saying what someone told me. He is the closest man I know to Job. He has been through so much and him and his wife still love the Lord with their whole hearts. They witness to all their doctors and nurses and other people in the hospital. I don't know if anyone has trusted Christ as the Saviour becuase of them or not - but so many seeds have been planted. They have done what God calls us to do - pllant the seeds - and now it is for God to make the seed spring forth into life. His wife told this other lady that he will wake up in the middle of the night and pray for others and that he has been lifting Dillon and us up in prayer. This man - who is so sick and in need of prayer himself- is spending his nights praying for US! What a blessing it was to hear. Please pray for this man as well, that if it is God's will he will beat the cancer and his health will return to him! Thank you.

I watched the first video on one stoke painting. My sister in law is letting me borrow her videos. I want to practice it and see if I can get good at it. {I am not an artist, I was a painter though. I painted interior/exterior commercial and residential. My father is a painter and I started working with him when I was about 15. I also worked for about 2 years (summers and vacations) with the contractor he works for. I enjoy faux finishing so maybe I will enjoy this as well.}If I can learn it will open a lot of possibilities of things I can paint. My goal is to have something I enjoy doing as an outlet from life :-D and also to make a little money from home. My husband and I have searched and searched for things I can do from home. We have come up empty handed. Most things require a lot of money at first and are risky. We don't have money to risk. I know, even if I can learn how to do this painting very well, I won't make a lot of money - but the supplies were free and it looks fun - so it is worth a try. If any one has any other suggestions though on way to make money from home please let me know. It just has to be something I can drop to take care of my son and pick up again later. Thanks for any suggestions you may have!


Anne said...

Bro. Barry is probably one of the most faithful prayer warriors that I know... and I keep thinking that God is allowing him the privilege of going through this trial so that more seeds may be planted. Praise God for him!

Si said...

I recall my Dad telling me how some aquaintences, especially this older lady (can't remember her name right off) but when she was in her 80's she prayed for our family everyday. These are the kind of prayer warriors that make a difference. Praise the Lord for Godly people who in their older age / retirement invest their time interceding for us.

Thank you Lord for the Grandmothers, Grandfathers, and Seniors who are faithful to you in prayer. May we be like them and be an encouragement to them.

Rachel said...

Oh, Tiff...I'm sorry you had a rough day. :( But the Lord always comes through...and has a very special plan for Dillon.

PTL that Bro. Barry is still with us. We would have missed him dreadfully.

Anonymous said...

Josiah just told us about your blog tonight. We read it all. We laughed and cried. Praise God for Barry and for all who are praying. We understand the ups and downs you are going through and will go through. You have a great responsibility in rearing Dillon, but you have an even greater God. The strength and grace the Lord has given you these last 6 weeks is a testimony to His mercies which are new every morning (Lamentations 3:21-25). Keep looking unto Jesus. His grace is sufficient for you. We love you all. Tiffany, you and Josiah are great parents and a testimony to the Lord's grace. Give Dillon a hug and kiss for us. Love, Dad, Mom, and Hannah