Friday, August 04, 2006

Praise the Lord

An email just came about that man who prays all the time for Dillon!!!!!!

Barry went down for the biopsy procedure…they wanted to do a CAT scan first…it showed the cavity on one lung was shrinking AND the new nodules in the other lung were healing as well. SO the doctor said there is no need for the biopsy. Barry was pretty excited about that…then he returned to his room. Linda met a Chinese girl, Ingrid and was witnessing to her. She just received Christ a few minutes ago! Maybe this is the reason they were at Hershey?
Needless to say, Barry is having a very good day.
Did God answer your prayer for Barry?

Praise God! Thank you to everyone who prayed!

1 comment:

Si said...

Wow! Praise the Lord.